
Bee Removal Source is powered by and offered as a service of Beesource.com, the world’s largest and most active online beekeeping community.

Beesource Beekeeping is committed to educating the public on the key role that the honey bee plays in world agriculture and food production, and seeking to preserve and protect this important and beneficial insect from natural and man-made enemies. Beesource also seeks to promote healthy and responsible beekeeping worldwide, and provides a forum for the sharing of beneficial and helpful knowledge, techniques, tools, methods and related resources to successful beekeeping, both commercially and as a hobby. Simply put, it is a helpful resource for anyone seeking to be a better beekeeper.

In this light, Bee Removal Source was developed to aid people who have discovered a honey bee hive living in an undesirable location. Many times honey bees do this naturally as hives grow and divide. This migration to a new location is normal and natural and is called a “swarm.”

The resources listed on this site are usually beekeepers themselves, who volunteer to come to your location and attempt to safely remove your swarm or hive from the undesirable location, to either another natural location, or to a managed hive for a commercial or hobbyist beekeeper. Listing on this site does not constitute an endorsement but is provided as a potential helpful resource. You are encouraged to use common sense and good consumer practices in making your selections and business arrangements. All information provided on this site on the resources listed is provided to us by the resource.

If you have any negative experiences with anyone on our list, please contact us so we may take appropriate actions. We also welcome any positive comments as well!

Beesource Beekeeping makes no commissions or sales revenues from providing these resources to you.

Beesource Beekeeping

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